Their Methods Of Developing
In most cases the parent insect deposits small eggs which hatch later into the young insects. In some cases, as with the blow-flies, the maggot may hatch from the egg while yet in the parent's body, when the active larva is born alive. Whether the egg hatches before or after it is deposited, the young insect continues to develop in one of three ways. It may resemble the parent and simply grow as does a kitten, or it may look somewhat like its parent though smaller and without wing
, as the young grasshopper, or it may bear no resemblance whatever to the parent, as the caterpillar which feeds and grows and finally spins a cocoon in which it passes to the resting chrysalis stage and later emerges with wings. The development of insects is therefore extremely complicated.

The chinch bug showing development with incomplete metamorphosis; a, egg; b, first nymph; c, second nymph; d, third nymph; e, fourth nymph; f, adult winged bug; g, chinch bugs extracting sap from corn plant. To control this pest burn over all winter harboring places and use chemical or dust barriers following wheat harvest.